Friday, February 13, 2009

The brand ID of Primobol

Less about A-rod and more about shady pharmaceutical companies. A-Rod took primobol, a steroid that gives you greater power and speed without the bulk. That sounds great to me. Probably sounded great to A-Rod too but as it turns out, he didn't know what he was taking.
It would be interesting to find out that a major pharma corporation like Pfizer or Perdue developed and distributed primobol. Unfortunately, there isn't much information about it. And since 2003, the last--supposed--time A-Rod took steroids, it is hard to tell who was the leader in the steroid-producing industry. Top athletes can turn to better resources--like Canseco--than this, but the most reputable steroid manufacturer on the blogosphere is BD, that's British Dragon. In the past and present, Verdantic has been entrusted by clients to advise on branding and logo treatments, but never as dire as this. This is just terrifying. This would be scary to see on the cover of a comic book and even scarier to see on something that will be injected into your body.

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